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Denomination: Baptist

Founded in 1957, 22nd Street Baptist is celebrating nearly 60 years of reaching Tucson and beyond for Jesus. Starting with a small chapel and growing as the neighborhood around us grew, 22nd Street was never satisfied with simply building a bigger church. Over the years, we've been a part of starting or supporting nine church plants while creating new ministries to help us reach the community around us.

We believe God is deeply in love with people and wants them to know Him and His amazing plans for their lives. We also believe it's our role as a church and as believers to do all we can to share this message of hope and love with everyone we can. To fulfill this role, we have embraced the vision to develop disciples who impact the world with the good news of Jesus Christ.

The three main elements of our vision are:

Sharing the Good News of Jesus - One of the last instructions Jesus gave His disciples was to "go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation" [Mark 16:15]. The good news of forgiveness, hope, and eternal life is at the heart of why we exist as a church.

Impacting the World - Just as a rock tossed in a pond sends ripples expanding outward in all directions, our goal is to help spread the good news throughout Tucson, across the US, and around the world.

Develop Disciples - Accomplishing this vision will take believers who are fully surrendered to Christ and God's call on their life. We know that not everyone is at that place; therefore, we want to help people move from their present spiritual condition, to full devotion to Christ.

While these may look like typical elements of a church vision - evangelism, missions and discipleship - we know there is nothing typical about a church that is fully committed to being used by God. We claim the promise of 1 Corinthians 2:9 that says "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him."

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Meeting Times:


9:15 AM Connect Groups (All Ages)

10:15 AM Coffee/Fellowship Time

10:45 AM Worship

6620 E 22nd St Tucson Arizona United States 85710

  • Ashley Evans

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