Abundant Life Lutheran Church

Evangelical Lutheran

Abundant Life Lutheran Church, East St Paul, Manitoba, Canada

In the fall of 2006 this newest MNO congregation dedicated its new building, and now serves East St. Paul and northeast Winnipeg. Worship incorporates a blend of contemporary and traditional music and liturgical forms. This multi-generational community supports MNO's Lutheran Urban Ministry, NEST, Cameroon Campanion Synod Project, a community-based Christmas Hamper Program, and other missions of the church, as well as community organizations such as Winnipeg Harvest. We continue to identify mission and ministry directions and goals as we discern God's call.

Service Times

Sunday 10:30AM Worship Service, normally celebrate Holy Communion every Sunday


3486 Raleigh St
East St Paul
R2E 1B9



Rev Annemarie S. MacIntosh Abundant Life Luthera


Tel: 2042555433
Web: http://www.abundantlifelutheran.ca
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