Archbold Evangelical Church


Archbold Evangelical Church, Archbold, Ohio, United States
AEC student ministry
Miracle Camp cookout

Archbold Evangelical Church is a multi-generational church that believes in the authority of scripture for our life and practice. We are passionate about serving Archbold and joining God in the renewal of the Tri-State area. We have a rich heritage and we are compelled to work together in church planting efforts throughout the tri-state area as well as in various gospel efforts around the world.

The Archbold Evangelical Church (AEC) is a spiritual family that finds its greatest sense of identity around our statement of faith. One of our statements is our belief that the Bible is God's Word to all people. From this belief comes our priority of teaching and preaching as a means of working with the Holy Spirit to bring about spiritual life and spiritual formation in people. We work hard to explain, interpret, and apply the Word of God so it is accessible, ineligible, and understandable to people. We preach expositionally which means each Sunday the point of the sermon is the point of the passage of Scripture. The majority of our sermon series are us working through a whole book of the Bible section by section. Our hope is that people who worship with us, who accept AEC as their spiritual family will over a short period of time be shaped by the whole counsel of God.

Archbold Evangelical Church is a member of the Fellowship of Evangelical Churches.

Service Times


8:30 AM - Worship Gathering

9:45 AM - Going Deeper Studies

11:00 AM - Worship Gathering


705 Lafayette Street
United States



Jesse Kahler
Lead Pastor

Kami Rex
Administrative Assistant


Tel: 4194455661
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