Cornerstone Church of Cleveland

Non Denominational

Cornerstone Church of Cleveland, Cleveland, Texas, United States
Sunday worship
A Walk-in-The Word Bible Study!
2019 Easter Outreach

In August 1989, a small group of people sensed a calling from God to begin a new church in Cleveland, TX. Immediately God began to bless the small infant church and before long we had outgrown our rented facilities. The church purchased a storefront in town but after worshipping there for ten years, God opened a door for us to purchase our current location in 2001. We built the current facilities on 18 acres just west of the city limits. Over the years we have seen hundreds of people saved, healed, and delivered by Jesus Christ. We give all the glory to God for our history and look forward to our future serving Him.

We would like you to meet our pastors and church leaders. Cornerstone has an amazing ministry team that knows just how to guide us in reaching out into the community to make a difference. The Great Commission (Mt. 28:18-20) is the heart of our leaders. In a unique government with many levels of accountability, the church serves the community with great efficiency. Reaching the heart of the Father by reaching out to others is our primary goal.

Service Times

Sunday services:

Every Week

Sunday Morning:
Prayer 8:00am
Main Service 10:00am
Child care Provided at all services

​Wednesday Evening:

Prayer 6:00pm
Adult Disipleship 7:00pm
Youth Church 7:00pm (FLC)
Bible Drill 7:00pm (ages 0-12)


Life Groups on 1st Sunday afternoon/evening
Sunday Night Service on 3rd Sunday Night at 6PM


27453 Hwy 105 W
United States



James and Sandra Holt
Senior Pastor


Tel: 2815922281
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