Evanshire Presbyterian Church

Presbyterian Church

Evanshire Presbyterian Church, Skokie, Illinois, United States
Evanshire Presbyterian Church, Skokie, Illinois, United States

We are a small congregation with a big heart.
We are multi-cultural and intergenerational.
Some worshipers dress casually; others choose to dress up. Both types of dress are appropriate at Evanshire.
Someone will surely invite you to Coffee Hour following worship!
We are reformed in tradition; our church is affiliated with the Presbytery of Chicago, the Synod of Lincoln Trails and the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

Our Worship

Our church is multi-cultural and intergenerational so these attributes are evident in our worship.
We encourage young people to lead worship!
Our music is traditional, contemporary and in the gospel tradition with soloists singing each week.
Instrumentalists are encouraged to offer their gifts in worship.
Readers’ theater and dramatic readings also glorify God in worship.
Worshipers follow the service through worship bulletins.
Our organist/pianist accompanies hymns and songs for congregational singing. We enjoy preludes and postludes chosen according to the morning’s texts.
Occasionally we enjoy a slide presentation on mission.

Service Times

Please join us for Worship at 10:00 a.m. and Coffee Hour following Worship


4555 Church St
United States



Rev. William Ekhardt

Ms. Valrie Barrett Goff
Clerk of Session


Tel: 8475321767
Web: https://www.pcusa.org/congregations/209/
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