Good Shepherd Lutheran Church

Lutheran Church

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Tulsa, Oklahoma, United States
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Tulsa, Oklahoma, United States

We Believe:

that the Bible is God's Word to us. It reveals His will for our lives and His plan for our salvation. [Scriptural]

that God made us and everything else in this vast and incredibly complex universe. He remains concerned about us and powerfully at work in His creation. [Creational]

that we and our world no longer enjoy the peace and harmony which God intended; in fact, we often suffer disorder, sorrow, and confusion because of something called sin. Sin is a destroyer of relationships.

that God's love for sinful people led Him to send His Son. Jesus' death on the cross and His resurrection gained the forgiveness of sin and a new life with God. This forgiveness and new life come as free gifts of God's love to all who trust in Jesus Christ. (click: Who is Jesus?) [Incarnational]

that the Holy Spirit makes this gift of undeserved love a living reality as He works in our lives through His chosen channels: the Bible, Baptism, and the Lord's Supper. [Sacramental]

that God's people find their greatest fulfillment as they discover, develop, and use the God-given abilities which make each one a uniquely valuable member of God's family, the Church. [Relational]

that God desires to work through His gifted people to reach out and touch others and to draw them into a relationship with Himself, restored in Jesus Christ.

What We Do
The Shepherd crosses all boundaries to gather all nations.

Where We Are Going
We see the emergence of one new people of God, gathered in Christ
from every culture, nationality, people, and language.
(Ephesians 2:11-19, John 10:16, Revelation 7:9)

Service Times

Regular Schedule


8:30 AM
Contemporary Worship

9:45 AM
Sunday School

11:00 AM
Traditional Worship

11:00 AM
Spanish Worship

11:00 AM
Multi-Lutheran Worship followed by lunch and a speaker (second Sunday of the month)

2:00 PM
Hmong Worship


8730 E Skelly Dr
United States



Rev Blaise Marin


Tel: 9186222905
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