St. Patrick's Catholic Church

Roman Catholic

St. Patrick's Catholic Church, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Sunday worship at St. Patrick's Catholic Church
St. Patrick's Catholic Church, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Novena Triduum to Our Mother Of Perpetual Help
St. Patrick's Young Adult Ministry Evening of Sin and Redemption

We are a welcoming, diverse, inner-city community of believers, united in the Catholic Faith. Through spirit-filled worship, education and outreach, we are called to live out the Gospel in our contemporary world.

St. Patrick’s Church is an English and German speaking parish located in downtown Toronto. St. Patrick’s Church is served by the Redemptorists of the Edmonton-Toronto Province and is the National Shrine of Our Mother of Perpetual Help.​

Die deutsche St Patricks Gemeinde übernimmt seit Jah​rzehnten die Seelsorge der deutschsprachigen Katholiken in der Erzdiözese Toronto unter der Leitung des Redemptoristenordens. So versucht sie, zwischen der einstigen Heimat vieler Auswanderer und der Kultur Kanadas Brücken zu schlagen. Seit Juni 2011 bildet die deutsche Gemeinde einen Teil von St Patrick und wird von Pater Santo Arrigo C.Ss.R. betreut.

Die Kolping Society und Legio Mariens tragen das Vereinsleben der Gemeinde. Beide Vereine nehmen neue Mitglieder jederzeit gerne auf.

Außerdem treffen sich die Gemeindemitglieder einmal pro Woche im Anschluss an den sonntäglichen Gottesdienst in der Pfarrhalle zu einem gemütlichen Beisammensein. Dazu sind Gäste herzlich willkommen.

The German St Patrick's parish has, for decades, taken on the pastoral care of German-speaking Catholics in the Archdiocese of Toronto under the leadership of the Redemptorists. It thus tries to build bridges between the former home of many emigrants and the culture Canada’s. Since June 2011 it is a part of St. Patrick and is under the pastoral care of Father of Santo Arrigo C.Ss.R.

The Kolping Society and Legion of Mary as clubs bring life to the community. Both clubs are happy to accept new members at any time.

In addition, members of the community meet once a week following the Sunday service in the parish hall for coffee. New guests are always welcome.

Mass Times

Mass Schedule

Saturday: 5:00 pm
Sunday: 8:30 am, 11:00 am & 5:00 pm
Mon., Tues., Thurs., & Fri: 12:10 pm

There will be no daily 7:30 am masses and no confessions on Wednesdays, or immediately prior to Sunday masses.

Mass and Devotions to our Mother of Perpetual Help
Wednesdays: 9:30 am, 12:00 pm, 2:30 pm, 5:05 pm & 7:00 pm

Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturday 3:00 pm-4:00 pm
Tuesday 11:00 am-11:45 am
Thursday 11:00 am-11:45 am

The present church schedule will be maintained until further notice. Although there is no longer an official capacity limit, the church will continue to be opened one hour prior to each Mass, and parishioners will be welcomed until proper physical distancing is no longer possible. At that time the church will be considered to have reached full capacity and the doors will be closed, and no one else will be admitted.

The requirement of physical distancing currently remains in place, unless members of from the same household

By-laws remain in place always requiring the use of a face mask within the church.
You are still asked to refrain from singing during the Liturgy; however, you are encouraged to join in on the spoken prayers and responses.

Communion procedures remain unchanged at the present time. Those coming to Communion must remain fully masked with their nose and mouth covered. Once the communicant has received the Eucharist, they are to move two metres away, carefully remove their mask, consume the Eucharist, replace their mask, and then proceed back to their pew using the wide aisles.

The Sign of Peace is maintained. A simple bow of the head toward one’s neighbour may be offered instead of shaking hands

Holy Water fonts at church entrances will remain empty at the prsetn time
All parishioners are asked to maintain a personal log of when you attend church should there be a positive Covid-19 case in the parish community.

All are encouraged to be vaccinated. The elderly, those with compromised immune systems or other health conditions are encouraged to exercise extreme caution with regard to attendance at church. The dispensation from Sunday Eucharist continues.


137 McCaul Street
M5T 1W3



Fr. Tom O'Rourke C.Ss.R.​ ​

Loretta Conte
Parish Secretary


Tel: 4165983269
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