The Church of the Resurrection

Roman Catholic

The Church of the Resurrection, Grand Island, Nebraska, United States
The Church of the Resurrection, Grand Island, Nebraska, United States
The Church of the Resurrection, Grand Island, Nebraska, United States
The Church of the Resurrection, Grand Island, Nebraska, United States
The Church of the Resurrection, Grand Island, Nebraska, United States

The Resurrection of Jesus beckons us to share the gift of New Life with all of the world. This was the mission of the early Church. It is our mission together today.

The Church of the Resurrection seeks to live this gift of New Life in many diverse ways. This is our challenge for all of us who live in a pluralistic society and world.

It is our hope together we may draw strength from the Resurrection of Jesus and so share it with others. You can be a part of this call and this mission. We hope you will consider joining our parish.

We are a Eucharistic people. We are brought together by our sharing in and our embodiment of the Body of Christ. As a community we celebrate liturgy, come together for prayer and quiet reflection, and mark the moments in our lives where we experience the presence of God.

We welcome you to explore the opportunities for worship and prayer within the community and the ways that we prepare to celebrate the sacraments of the Church.


We, at The Church of the Resurrection, are a Catholic community of people from all walks of life who foster acceptance, love, and the hope of resurrection. Our call is to nourish our love of God through Jesus Christ under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Centered in the Eucharist, we are nurturing a faith community through education, prayer, worship and Christian fellowship. As stewards we receive God’s gifts gratefully, cultivate them responsibly, and share them lovingly, thereby bringing Jesus into the daily lives of our brothers and sisters in Christ.

Mass Times

Weekend Mass Schedule

Saturday Vigil: 5:30pm
Sunday: 8:30am, 10:30am

Saturday afternoons 4:30pm

Weekday Mass Schedule
Monday: 7:00am
Tuesday: 6:30am
Wednesday: 7:00am
Thursday: 6:30am
Friday: 7:00am

(check bulletin for possible cancellations)

Second Tuesday of the month
7:00am - 5:00pm


4110 Cannon Rd
Grand Island
United States



Fr. Mike McDermott

Pat Janulewicz
Parish Secretary


Tel: 3083816065279333087502898
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