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Denomination: Church of Christ

Abundant Life Church of Christ is a Cambodian Christian Community
Church established in late October 2020 during the COVID19 Pandemic.
Abundant Life Church of Christ is a newly planted Cambodian church founded by
pastor Tola Ten and Sopheap Chhay while attending Springvale South Church of

The vision and mission of Abundant Life Church of Christ are to be a Biblebelieving
Cambodian community church that upholds the Scriptures as the final
authority over the Christian life and practice, directed and guided by the Holy
Spirit who enables and empowers believers to live their lives in complete
submission and obedience to the Lordship of Jesus who is the head of the Church.
Abundant Life Church of Christ seeks to be relevant and missional in the
community bringing compassion and hope to the Cambodian Community.
Abundant Life Church of Christ is to be led by pastor/s and elder/s who have been
appointed and governed by the church board to lead, minister, nurture, teach and
shepherd the flock of God in its unique cultural context; in its expression of
worship of God; the study of Scripture; empowered to communal life that reflects
Christ-like character; and obedience as modelled by the early apostolic Church in
Acts 2:42.

Every Sunday, the Church will faithfully meet for corporate worship, for
prayer, the breaking of bread, the faithful giving of financial resources in tithes
and offering, the study of God's Word through expository and topical preaching,
to fellowship that seeks to Honor the Lord Jesus Christ and in serving one
another in love as Christ has commanded. Our weekly small group programs are
structured to meet individuals' needs to develop for discipleship, fellowship,
ministry, worship, and evangelism.

Our vision at Abundant Life Church of Christ is to see lives being changed
through the proclamation of the Good News of Jesus, bringing hope to the
Cambodian community. We believe that God has uniquely placed us in this
community to be relevant in this contemporary context in living out our faith so
that others can see Christ in us. Abundant Life Church of Christ is to be a
community of people with compassionates hearts that brings hope in the message
of Jesus, to disciple believers according to the Word of God, which gives life,
purpose, and meaning and ultimately changing lives.

Our mission at Abundant Life Church of Christ is twofold; to fulfil Jesus'
invitation to participate in the Great Commission. This great commission in which
we partake is God's invitation to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to every corner
of the world. Jesus explicitly gives this command, "Therefore go and make
disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded
you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." Matthew
28:19-20 ESV. The Christian life is therefore marked by submission and
obedience to Jesus Christ with the desire to see lost souls being saved through the
proclamation of this Good News amongst the Cambodian community and beyond.
For Christ Himself have said, "I am sending you to them to open their eyes and
turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, so that
they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified
by faith in me.' – Acts 26:18. Secondly, our mission at Abundant Life Church of
Christ is to become disciples of Jesus and become disciple-makers. Disciples are
people who have committed in their hearts and minds to follow the thinking and
conduct of the Lord Jesus Christ forever. Discipleship is a lifelong experience and
journey. Discipleship is a lifelong experience of learning the mind of Christ and
following the will of Christ, submitting ourselves in complete obedience to His

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Sunday Afternoon 1:30pm

4 Boonah Street Springvale Victoria Australia 3171

  • Tola Ten

    Senior Pastor
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